On this page, we'll include links to other radio clubs,antique radio sites,lists of other radio sites etc.
Do not forget there are more links on the pages that you go on from here. I hope you find theese links interesting.
QTR Old Time Radio
***Note;On the QTR website there are sound bytes to listen to. You need a Real Player to listen to them. There is a link To
Real Player on the QTR website so that you can install one on your pc. There is a free one you can install.
Hammond Radio Museum
US Radio & TV History
Bellingham Radio Museum
Old Radio Links and Resources
Nostalgic Air free schematics for antique radios
SMARA Schenectady Museum Amateur Radio Club
Hudson Valley Antique Radio Phonograph Society
Old Radio Zone
Southeast Antique Radio Club
Channel Master Model6515 8 Transistor Super Fringe |
Dave's Transistor Radios Click on the Channel Master photo above and you will go to Dave's Transistor Radios website.

1930 Zenith 77 Console Radio. Fancy Cabinet. Photo from Western Historical Radio Museum.

1929 Sparton Model 111 console. This big console had a 12 tube chassis. Nice fancy cabinetry. Below 1932 Colin Kennedy
Model 266 Highboy style console. This model radio had standard broadcast and shortwave. Note the orange lighted dail windows
on the front. Looks nice.

Here is a old ham radio. A National NC45-A receiver. This radio belongs to WA2BAH a local ham radio operator. Stan likes
his older equipment and keeps it in good working order.